My Music

public - Will show date when possible

My old music, under the name Campadrenalin, is primarily available on SoundCloud, but I have some even older stuff on SoundClick. I looked and sounded pretty dramatically different back then, for... 🏳️‍⚧️ reasons 🏳️‍⚧️. Don't let it throw you too hard. You can't have a character growth arc without starting at the bottom!

Newer music will be published under my modern screen name, MaddieM4. I haven't had a lot of music energy to produce, so I have a huge backlog of written but unproduced songs that will eventually be publish-ready.

Finally, I intend to redundantly host as much of my music as possible here on this website, especially things that seemed lost to time. My old free account on SoundCloud only had so much capacity (IIRC it was a limit on the number of tracks), so I rotated stuff out of hosting, and now I'm having to salvage music when I find it on old hard drives. My plan these days is very much to make everything downloadable here with no artificial limits. But that'll be a hell of a project, one that will probably always be a work in progress. I wish I'd taken preservation and organization a lot more seriously when I was younger - those are values I cared about but thought I'd covered, and I was wrong. Ah well.